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This is our archive of previously live-streamed, recorded services and events...
For more information on our services, format and what to expect can be found by clicking here
This week's service is led by Pastor John with our guest speaker, Denis Golden, looking at "God is our Strength and refuge".
This Sunday Service is the conclusion of the week of prayer for Christian Unity and the service is hosted by Pastor John and he also brings the message.
Sunday Service is led by Ann with the message by Tony looking at Jesus' Baptism.
Epiphany Service is led by Kevin with communion and the message by Pastor John.
The new year all age service is led by Paul with a short message on Looking for God's Plan.
The service is led by Pastor John with a short message on the Finding Christ Jesus.
The service is led by Pastor John with a short message on the "Gift of Christmas".
This week was the Sunday School Christmas presentation NOTICE: this video is no longer available to view online.
Come and join our carol service... Full order of service can be found on the YouTube channel comments.
The service is led by Ashlie with Pastor John leading communion and bringing the message for week 4 of advent.