This is our archive of previously live-streamed, recorded services and events...

For more information on our services, format and what to expect can be found by clicking here. You will also see our most recent, or next, live stream and some details on how we make it all happen!

All Age Service (live) - 4th September 2022 - Who's Side Are You On?

In today's service Paul is looking at "who's side are you on?"

Sunday Service (live) - 28th August 2022 - Be Bold & Healing

Today's service is led by Kevin with Pastor John bringing the message on "healing". NOTE: the stream started a little behind the beginning of the service due to a minor problem with connecting to YouTube!

Thanksgiving Service for Jean Mitchell - 18th August 2022

This is the live stream recording for Jean Mitchell's Thanksgiving Service held at Langley Free Church on 18th August 2022. The full order of service can be found on the LFC YouTube channel.

Sunday Service with Communion (live) - 14th August 2022 - A hive full of “Be’s”

Today's service is led by Chris with Jean SG bringing the message. Note:You may hear a background hum during the service - this is caused by some air circulation fans we have running today.

Sunday Service (live) - 31st July 2022 -

Today's service is led by Ashlie with Tony bringing the message as "A (Quick) Journey Through the Bible".

Sunday Service (live) - 24th July 2022 - Power of the Word…

Today's service is led by Ann with Pastor John bringing the message on "Power of the Word". Part 3 of 3 in this mini-series.

Sunday Service (live) - 17th July 2022 - Power of Preaching…

Today's service is led by Cloda with Pastor John bringing the message on "Power of Preaching". Part 2 of 3 in this mini-series.

Sunday Service w.Communion (live) - 10th July 2022 - Power of Prayer…

Today's service is led by Kevin with Pastor John leading communion with the message on "Power of Prayer".

All Age Service (live) - 3rd July 2022 - Integrating God's Word Into My Life…

Today's service is the sixth in the "40 days in the Word" series. Today Cloda and Pastor John will be exploring the subject "Integrating God's Word Into My Life".

Sunday Service (live) - 26th June 2022 - How to study a bible passage…

Today's service is the fifth in the "40 days in the Word" series. Today Ashlie and Pastor John will be exploring how to study a bible passage and that we need to know the context, terminology and translation used.