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This is our archive of previously live-streamed, recorded services and events...
For more information on our services, format and what to expect can be found by clicking here
Today's service is the fourth in the "40 days in the Word" series. Today Chris and Pastor John will be exploring "Seeing what God wants me to see, and how the Holy Spirit enables us to understand God’s Word." In the last 90 seconds of the stream the audio is distorted.
Today's service is the third in the "40 days in the Word" series. Today, on Trinity Sunday, Jenna and Pastor John will be exploring "How does God's word change me?".
Today's all age service is the second in the "40 days in the Word" series. Today Paul will be exploring "How can we trust the Bible is true and know the Holy Spirit is with us".
Today's service is the first in a new series on "40 days in the Word". The service is led and the message are by Pastor John.
Today's service is brought to you by the Sunday School - be ready to join in and have a testing time!
The service will is led by Ann with the message from Pastor John.
The service will be led by Cloda with the message from Pastor John from Pastor John who is looking at Peter and the raising of Tabitha (Dorcus) and how this relates to "what's your relationship with God?"
The service led by Chris with our Clare Hooper as our guest speaker bringing the message. Unfortunately we missed the first few minutes on the stream recording and are working to address the audio quality of the songs for next time!
This weeks service is led by Chris with the message from Wendy.
Easter Day service, led by Pastor John with a message on "He has risen".