This is our archive of previously live-streamed, recorded services and events...

For more information on our services, format and what to expect can be found by clicking here. You will also see our most recent, or next, live stream and some details on how we make it all happen!

Sunday Service & Communion, Advent Week 2 (Live) - 5th December 2021

The service is led by Chris with Pastor John leading communion and bringing the message for week 2 of advent. NOTICE - next week's Sunday School Nativity service will not be streamed due to licensing and copyright requirements

Sunday Service Advent Week 1 (Live) - 28th November 2021 - Christians Against Poverty

The service is led by Pastor John for week 1 of advent - we are joined by Christians Against Poverty (CAP) - go to for more information on their work and ways to support them.

Sunday Service (Live) - 21st November 2021 - The Power of Transformation

Pastor John will be leading and bringing the message on "The Power of Transformation"

Remembrance Sunday (Live) - 14th November 2021 - Why should we remember

This Sunday is Remembrance. Pastor John will be leading and bringing the message on "Why should we remember?"

120th Anniversary Service (Live) - 7th November 2021 - Gifts that last

Our Anniversary Service, led by Pastor John with our guest speaker Joth Hunt looking at "Gifts that last" Note: - the first couple of minutes are muted due to a technical problem!

Baptismal Service (Live) - 31st October 2021 - Repent and be Baptised

A special baptismal service for Tom & Ella - the service is hosted with the message from Pastor John and will be looking at "Repent and be Baptised"

Sunday Service (Live) - 24th October 2021 - The power to succeed

This week's weeks service is led by Pastor John looking at "The Power to Succeed".

Sunday School Service (Live) - 17th October 2021 - In Search of Light

This week's service is brought to you by the Sunday School with a theme of "In Search of Light" - expect there to be audience participation! SORRY - NO AUDIO ON THE STREAM BETWEEN 15 & 23 MINUTES!!!

East Berks Cluster Celebration (Live) - 10th October 2021 -

The East Berks Cluster Celebration service hosted by Langley Free Church with the message from Joth Hunt and includes various contributors.

Sunday Service (Live) - 10th October 2021 - Living Up to the Name

This week's service includes communion with the message on "Living Up to the Name" (Acts 1:1-11).