This is our archive of previously live-streamed, recorded services and events...

For more information on our services, format and what to expect can be found by clicking here. You will also see our most recent, or next, live stream and some details on how we make it all happen!

Sunday Service with Communion

Sunday Service with Communion, led by Cloda with the message and communion by Pastor John.

Sunday Service looking at the Covenant with Abraham

This week's sevice is led by Pastor John with the message from Richard.D on God's covenant with Abraham.

Sunday Service with Geoff and Cesia

This week's service is led by Pastor John, with Geoff & Cesia giving us an update on their mission work and then the message on the 10 commandments.

Sunday Service, what it means to hear God calling

Sunday Service for 17th January 2021, led by Ann, testimony from Cloda with the message from Wendy

Sunday Service

Sunday Service for 24th January 2021, led by Cloda with the sermon from Pastor John

Sunday Service with The Leprosy Mission

Sunday Service for 31st January 2021, led by Ann with Chris Stratta from The Leprosy Mission.

Sunday Service, The Power and Awesomeness of God

Sunday Service for 7th February 2021, led by Chris on the power and awesomeness of God